Bildquelle: PDF verlinkt auf Andromeda Council
Am 29.12.2015 veröffentlicht
Hear what it's going to be like, as this Planet Earth (MITA) and all her inhabitants, (us humans included), TRANSITION from 3D to 4D. Light Warrior Incarnates, TANAATH of the SILVER LEGION, SUNFIRE of the GALACTIC FEDERATION OF PLANETS along with Andromedan Contactee Incarnate ALEX COLLIER, spell-out the process of this TRANSITION.
Awakening Cosmic Reality Show: Andromeda Council by TolecfromDakote: Andromedan Replicator Technology, informational link: Background Video Sounds: The background sound in the video was created by me the Star Traveler, I used a woods pine rattle and running water to create this sound, it provides protection for the video for warding off negative and unwelcome energies and bringing in positive vibrational frequencies.
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